.CTLGFVER '$VER: engclock.catalog 1.0 (20-Feb-97) fran %Cannot lock specified public screen! Cannot lock Workbench screen! failed to open! Unable to open window! Oops, no timer! Oops, no prefs file! #Error: Corrupt preferences header! English Clock v8.0 1996 by ]Sorry but your screen is too small for EngClock to use with your current font size settings. Window too big for screen Set Prefs... Snapshot Window About Project %Font size is too big to create menu! Cannot load language module! Check paths! Error re-opening window Unable to save window position This program is freeware - this means that it is freely distributable!. No money should have been paid for this program, only enough to cover copying costs. To send any comments, bug reports or donations contact me at: Ben Matthew 16 Blackthorn Close, West Kingsdown, Kent. TN15 6UF EMail: ben@bmatthew.demon.co.uk Spanish text by D maso Dom nguez Est vez - Many thanks! Long live the Amiga! Sure! ,Sorry cannot autoadjust - screen too small! Jump went wrong! Memory Errors! Cannot open datatypes library! SOUND: Unable to open file! SOUND: Unsupported file type Accepted! Invalid form of media! Continue Error unpacking file A clock with words! Unable to get disk object Unable to open icon library No Timer! Panic! No translator.library! Continue